Video Ink
Upload your video
Show us your talent
You can sing, dance, do the splits or something amazing, show the world.
Have your say
You have something interesting or important to say. Tell it to the world

Teach us
Want to show us how to cook something fantastic, or a DIY trick, upload your video.
The media has its own agenda and that is not always to show the real truth. Show us the real.
We know that people are constantly capturing fascinating moments on film, and we want to give you the opportunity to share your incredible videos with the world on Video Ink! If you have a video that you believe others will enjoy or learn from, send it our way. If we love it, we’ll feature it on Video Ink for everyone to see and display it below.
Please remember, we only accept family-friendly content. While we welcome all types of videos, if your submission pertains to serious news, please CONTACT US directly, and we’ll incorporate it into our news cycle, but it won’t be featured on Video Ink.
Our platform is all about entertainment, fun, and learning for families. Videos can be of any length, but we encourage you to maintain high quality and ensure you have permission to share all content. We can’t wait to see what you’ve created!